Laure Fillette is an English speaking psychologist and psychoanalyst.
Born, raised, and educated in Paris, she has traveled to many different places and is familiar with various cultures and lifestyles, which enhances her proficiency in foreign languages, especially English.
She received her academic education from the University of Paris Cité and is a member of the Laboratoire Psychopathologie et Processus de Santé (LPPS).
She teaches psychology at the university and provides various interventions for professionals and companies.
She is in charge of the mental health department for Paris 6ème et Paris 7ème (CPTS).

What could be the reasons to see a psychologist?
You are currently feeling psychological or emotional distress (sadness, anxiety, tension, ...) or you are experiencing anguish; you feel that "something is wrong" but you cannot explain why or feel better, in spite of the support from friends and family.
You are coping with difficult or painful events: disease, mourning, separation, professional challenges, ...
You experience irrational and uncontrollable fears.
You are facing sleeping, eating or sexual disorders. You have an addiction.
You are going through relational difficulties or conflicts. You feel that you need to change, that you have to make decisions.
In all these cases - and many more related - my job is to help you understand your difficulties in order to find solutions for you to feel better. Generally speaking, you do not need a specific reason to go to a psychologist. There are difficult times during which it is particularly recommanded to do a psychotherapy but you can always make an appointment, anytime, with a psychologist. It is never too late, it is never too early.
Your time will be the right time.
Feel free to make an appointment on line or to contact me by phone.
The price of the consultation is:
- 120 euros for individuals
- 150 euros for families
- 180 euros for couples
The appointments are made in advance; consultations that have not been cancelled at least 48h before the appointment time have to be paid.
The Sécurité Sociale will not give refund for consultations with a Psychologist but some mutuelles might give you a partial refund. Please check with yours what is mentionned on your contract.
You are welcome to bring your pets with you to the consultations.
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